Category: RTL-SDR

Receiving ADS-B Jetliner Traffic with a Simple Paper Clip

Over on YouTube user icholakov has uploaded a new video showing how easy it can be to build a cheap ADS-B antenna out of a simple paper clip and coax connector. Modern aircraft carry an ADS-B transceiver and antenna which broadcasts the current GPS location of the aircraft. This is used for collision avoidance and air traffic control, but anyone with a receiver like an RTL-SDR can also receive and decode these signals, and plot locally received air traffic on Google maps. We have a tutorial for decoding ADS-B signals available here.

In the video Thomas Cholakov (N1SPY) explains the concept behind the antenna design, which is a standard 1/4 wave ground plane cut to the correct dimensions for ADS-B at 1090 MHz. He cuts 5 pieces of the same length, with one piece used as the active whip element, and four pieces used in the ground plane element. The paper clip pieces are then soldered onto a coaxial connector and then the antenna is ready to be used.

2017: Paper Clip vs. Jetliner Traffic

QIRX SDR Updated: Legacy DAB, DAB Transmitter Identifications and more

Back in May of this year we posted about QIRX SDR, which back then was a brand new multimode SDR program compatible with the RTL-SDR. One of its defining features is that it has a built in DAB+ decoder. Recently QIRX SDR has been updated to version 0.9.1, the new features are quoted below:


  • Updated Documentation
  • Device Frontend: Manual Center Freq. Correction in kHz
  • Waterfall Spectrum
  • Raw Recording: Playback Control, for a timed positioning (“seek”) in “arbitrary” large (GBytes) recorded raw files.


  • Legacy DAB, intended for users where DAB+ is not generally available, like in the UK or Spain. As this could only be superficially tested here in Germany (no standard DAB any more, I used some raw samples recorded in Madrid), I would be very interested in feedback of users about it.
  • Synchronization of raw files recorded with central frequency offset
  • Enhanced manual synchronization control, mainly for tests in mobile environments
  • Detection of the Transmitter Identifications (TII). However, as this is a feature only useful for specialized applications, it is not included in the distribution. To my knowledge, qirx is the only DAB SDR having this feature.

Some Bug fixing.

The QIRX team have also added a new Quickstart Guide to help users get set up with their software quickly. In addition QIRX author Clem also writes that the QIRX software will be demonstrated during this weekends Ham-Radio fair in Friedrichshafen, Germany.

QIRX SDR Updated
QIRX SDR Updated

OpenWebRX Updates: 3D Waterfall and BPSK31 Demodulator

OpenWebRX has recently been updated and now includes a 3D waterfall display and a BPSK31 demodulator. OpenWebRX is a popular program which allows you to stream an SDR like the RTL-SDR over the internet efficiently. A number of clients can connect to your server and tune anywhere within a predefined bandwidth. Many examples of OpenWebRX running on RTL-SDRs and KiwiSDRs can be found on

The 3D waterfall is quite an interesting feature as it allows you to visual signal strength, frequency and time all at once. BPSK31 is a popular amateur radio digital mode for making QSO’s (contacts). The new decoder allows you to zoom in closely on the band with high resolution and select with the mouse which BPSK31 channel you’d like to decode.

András Retzler, creator of OpenWebRX also writes that he’s now completed his Masters Thesis (congratutions!) on the topic of “Integrating digital demodulators into OpenWebRX”. His thesis is available for download here and looks to be an interesting read.

OpenWebRX BPSK31 Mode
OpenWebRX BPSK31 Mode

Demonstrating an RTL-SDR Based Metal Detector

Over on YouTube user Ancient Discoveries has uploaded a video showing a prototype of his RTL-SDR based metal detector. The metal detector appears to consist of a coiled detection loop antenna powered by an AM transmitter and an RTL-SDR running in Q-branch direct sampling mode.

Ancient discoveries uses SDR# to tune to a low medium wave frequency of around 898 kHz while in direct sampling mode. Then as a piece of metal is moved closer and further from the detection coil the signals on the spectrum move around in correlation with the metals distance. A whining sound just like a real metal detector is also produced by SDR#.

!!! RTL SDR Metal Detector !!! dancing with signals !!! modified latest project

Video Tutorial: Installing GQRX and RTL-SDR on a Raspberry Pi

Over on his YouTube channel AVT Marketing has uploaded a new beginner friendly video that shows how to easily install and use GQRX on a Raspberry Pi single board Linux computer. GQRX is a Linux based general purpose SDR receiver program which is compatible with the RTL-SDR. The Raspberry Pi 3 has enough processing power run this software easily with the RTL-SDR.

The tutorial is a 2-part series, with the first video showing how to install the software from scratch. AVT shows every necessary step including installing git, cmake, build-essential, getting and installing the drivers from the Osmocom github and installing libusb. For someone very new to Linux this tutorial is a simple step by step start. The second video goes on to show how to actually use GQRX on the Raspberry Pi.

Installing RTL-SDR on a Raspberry Pi (Linux)

Using GQRX with RTL-SDR on a Raspberry Pi (Linux)

Retrieving Dialed Phone Numbers from Intercepted Phone Calls

Over on his YouTube channel Linux Psycho has uploaded a video showing how he was able to listen in on wireless phone calls and recover the dialed phone numbers from within the conversation. 

The intercepted signal appears to be unencrypted in the clear NFM at 130 MHz and appears to originate from some sort of wireless telephone service. Heard in the phone call are DTMF dial tones. Later in the video Linux Psycho shows how to retrieve the dialed phone number by recording the DTMF tones and submitting the .wav file to an online DTMF tone detection website. DTMF tones are simply the tones that you hear when you dial a number on a landline phone. Each tone is a different frequency and so it is fairly trivial to recover the dialed numbers.

We’re not sure exactly what the signal that Linux Psycho is listening to actually is as it seems to be a cordless phone, but in the wrong frequency range. Potentially it is a long range wireless phone extension commonly used in the third world or rural areas where actual landline connections are rare.

rtl sdr new, rtl sdr phone hacking

Upgrading the Coax on a TV Dipole Antenna for Improved Reception

Over on his YouTube channel Corrosive has uploaded a useful video showing how to modify a standard TV dipole to make it better for general radio use. Many TV dipoles come standard with twin lead, or very poor quality coax cable. Corrosive shows in his video how simple it is to modify and improve one of these by adding high quality coax with a BNC connector.

These TV dipoles are great as general purpose antennas, and are especially useful for making V-dipole antennas for NOAA/Meteor M2 reception.

Running Windows & x86 SDR Decoding Apps on the Raspberry Pi 3: Unitrunker, WinSTD-C, WXtoIMG, DSDPlus and more

There is a great advantage to running SDR decoder apps on a single board PC like a Raspberry Pi 3. For example instead of committing a whole PC to become a dedicated decoder, a cheap Pi 3 can be used instead. However, unfortunately many decoder apps are written for the x86 CPU architecture and/or Windows, making them impossible to run on ARM and/or primarily Linux devices like the Raspberry Pi 3.

That is unless you use an emulator combination like Eltechs Exagear and Wine. Exagear is an emulator that emulates an x86 environment on a device like a Raspberry Pi 3 which uses an ARM CPU. Wine is a Windows compatibility layer that allows you to run x86 Windows apps on an x86 Linux installation. So by combining Exagear together with Wine it is possible to run Windows apps on ARM Linux devices.

Exagear is not free (although there is a free trial). It currently costs $22.95 USD for a Pi 3 licence, and $16.95 USD for a Pi 2 licence and $11.45 for a Pi 1/Zero licence. They also have versions for Odroid, Cubieboard, BananaPi, Jetson and many other ARMv7 and ARMv8 devices like the super cheap and powerful Orange Pi’s. There are free alternatives out there like QEMU, however when we tested QEMU it was far too slow on the Pi 3 to even run notepad responsively, let alone a decoder. Exagear on the other hand seems to run apps at near native speeds, without much lag at all. So in this respect the price seems to be worth it.

We decided to test the Exagear + Wine combination on a Pi 3 and were successful in running a number of apps including Unitrunker, WinSTD-C, WXtoImg, DSDPlus, PC-HFDL, MultiPSK, Orbitron and Sondemonitor.

Trunking setup with Unitrunker on a Raspberry Pi 3

With Unitrunker we were able to set up a full trunk tracking system using two RTL-SDR dongles, rtl_fm, rtl_udp and a custom script to control rtl_udp.

Unitrunker running on a Raspberry Pi 3
Unitrunker running on a Raspberry Pi 3

In the future we may put up a full double checked tutorial with images, but for now a roughly written tutorial is presented below. The tutorial is fairly involved and assumes decent Linux experience. The tutorial starts from a fresh install of Raspbian.

The basic idea of operation is based around the fact that the RTL-SDR cannot be used directly within Wine (or so it seems). So the control signal audio is routed from rtl_fm running on one dongle into Unitrunker on Wine using alsa loopback. Then we use the old Unitrunker remote.dll method to generate a sdrsharptrunking.log file which is a text file that contains the current frequency that the voice receiver should tune to. A simple shell script continuously reads this file and extracts the frequency, and then commands an instance of rtl_udp running with the second dongle to tune to that frequency.

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