Category: RTL-SDR

Fan Cooling the RTL-SDR

Over on his Japanese blog Nobu has uploaded a post showing how he modified his RTL-SDR dongle to be air cooled via two small PC fans (post is in Japanese but can be read with Google Translate – right click -> translate to English in Chrome).

By cooling the dongle, and especially the R820T chip, Nobu writes that he sees improved ADS-B decoding performance as his range is increased. Without cooling the R820T chip can get quite hot and causes failing reception at around 1.5 GHz. Passive cooling is usually enough to fix reception at those higher frequencies, but active cooling via a fan can take it further and actually improve sensitivity slightly.

To add to his post, we suspect that the sensitivity of the R820T/2 front end reduces by about 0.5 dB at most when it heats up (after a few seconds), so forced air cooling should be able to improve sensitivity by about this much.

An fan cooled RTL-SDR dongle.
An fan cooled RTL-SDR dongle.

IF Average SDR# Plugin Updated

The IF Average tool is a RTL-SDR compatible plugin for SDR# which allows you to plot an average of the current spectrum shown in SDR#. This is especially useful for radio astronomers who often need to average the spectrum for a long time in order to get a good plot of the Hydrogen Line. Recently the plugin was updated to support newer versions of SDR# and to upgrade some features. Daniel Kaminski, the author of the plugin writes:

I used ultrafast FFT which works on 4k to 512k bit space. With this plugin it is possible to average up to 64000000 samples in real time. XNA allows to shows the calculation results in real time.

To install the plugin you will need to install the XNA Framework 4.0 Redistributable first. Then copy the plugin files over to the SDR# folder and add the “magicline” to the SDR# Plugins.xml file.

The IF Average SDR# Plugin
The IF Average SDR# Plugin

A Demonstration of the RTL-SDR Receiving WiFi and 2.4 GHz ISM with a Modded SUP-2400 Downconverter

Back in April we posted about how KD0CQ found that he could receive signals up to 4.5 GHz with an RTL-SDR by using a $5 downconverter for DirecTV called the SUP-2400. The RTL-SDR can only receive up to a maximum frequency of about 1.7 GHz, but the SUP-2400 downconverter can be modified to convert frequencies at around 2.4 GHz down into a range receivable by the RTL-SDR.

When we first posted the story the instructions for modifying the SUP-2400 to use as a downconverter weren’t uploaded yet, but they are now. The modification requires decent soldering skills as it involves desoldering a few small SMD components and bridging some points with wires.

Over on YouTube user T3CHNOTURK has uploaded a video showing the downconverter in action. With the SUP-2400 downconverter and RTL-SDR he is able to receive some WiFi at 2.447 GHz as well as signals from a wireless keyboard at 2.465 GHz

RTLSDR Receiveing wifi & 2.4 ghz ism band with moded SUP-2400 Downconverter

Building a DIY Powered USB Hub for using an RTL-SDR on a Raspberry Pi

One problem that sometimes arises when using embedded single board computers like the Raspberry Pi is that they often cannot provide enough current to power devices through the USB port.

Over on YouTube user KD9 BVO wanted to use his RTL-SDR with a Raspberry Pi, but found that the Raspberry Pi shut down whenever he plugged it in, due to it using too much current. To get around this problem he decided to build a DIY powered USB hub. This solution allows the RTL-SDR to be powered via the hub itself, rather than through the Raspberry Pi USB port.

In the video he takes an existing unpowered hub and shows how to modify it to provide power directly to the RTL-SDR via an external power supply.

[Bits #4] How to DIY a Powered USB Hub

More L-Band Videos from 9A4QV: Testing 2x LNA4ALL + Filter + Patch, Receiving the Outernet Signal, L-band Filter

Adam 9A4QV has once again uploaded three new videos to YouTube, all related to L-band satellite reception. The first video shows how much L-band reception can be improved by using two LNA4ALL low noise amplifiers together with a filter placed in between them. Using two LNA’s instead of one improves the reception by about 2-6 dB. He also shows that L-band Inmarsat satellite signals at 1.5 GHz can even be received by his 1090 MHz folded monopole ADS-B antenna placed indoors.

The second video shows a reception report of the new Outernet signal. The Outernet signal is a new satellite data service being provided that broadcasts up to date news as well as various files and information such as educational videos and books for people in third world countries without internet. They have said that they are working on free decoding software for their service which should be released soon. The Outernet signal is a bit weaker than typical AERO signals, but can still be received quite easily with an RTL-SDR, patch antenna and 2 x LNA4ALL. The Outernet downconverter mentioned in a previous post should of course also work well.

His third video shows some tests on his L-band filter, showing return and insertion loss.

2x LNA4ALL and L band filter test

L band filter test

Slovenian University Student & Security Researcher Almost Jailed for Researching TETRA with an RTL-SDR

Dejan Ornig, a 26 year old student at the University of Maribor’s Faculty of Criminal Justice and Security was recently almost jailed for finding a security flaw in Police TETRA communications in his home country of Slovenia. Back in 2013 his University Computer Science class of 25 was assigned a task to research security vulnerabilities in TETRA. TETRA is a RF digital communications protocol often used by authorities due to its ability to be secured via encryption. During his research he used an RTL-SDR and the open source Osmocom TETRA decoder, and discovered a flaw in the Slovenian Police’s TETRA configuration which meant that encrypted communications were often being broadcast in the clear. Translated, Ornig said:

For $20 I bought a DVB-T receiver (RTL-SDR), on the Internet, I have found also freely available and open-source software OsmoCOM. Free access solution for decoding the signal Tetra eighth-tetra is already prepared in advance programming framework based on the platform GNU.

He goes on to say (translated):

I was even more surprised when I found that most users do not have authentication turned on the radio terminal, even though the Ministry of the Interior in the documents and tenders repeatedly wrote to all the radio terminals to access networks using authentication.

Shortly after discovering the flaw, Dejan privately contacted the authorities with his findings. But after two years of repeatedly contacting them and waiting for a fix, Dejan decided to take his story to a local news agency in February 2015. At this point the Slovenian Police became interested in Dejan, and instead of fixing the problem, decided to conduct a search on his house, seizing his computer and RTL-SDR. After the search the Police made life harder for Ornig by trying to lump on other problems. During the search they found a “counterfeit police badge” in his house and apparently accused him of impersonating a police officer, and after a search of his PC they also decided to charge him after finding out that he covertly recorded his ex-employer calling him an “idiot”.

Ornig has now been given a 15 month suspended jail sentence for attempting to “hack” the TETRA network. Fortunately the suspended part means that in order to not go to jail Ornig simply must not repeat his crime again within 3 years. While SDR’s and radios are not illegal in most countries this is a reminder to professional and amateur security researchers to check that what you are doing is legal in your country. Even if it is for the overall good, Police often do not have the technical competence to understand security researchers and may react illogically to findings. The good news about Ornig’s story is that apart from the suspended jail sentence the authorities appear to have now worked with him to fix the problems.

TETRA Decoding
TETRA Decoding

Story Sources:

L-Band Reception with an LNA4ALL, Patch Antenna and RTL-SDR

Over on YouTube Adam 9A4QV has uploaded a video showing how good L-band reception can be with only a cheap home made patch antenna, RTL-SDR dongle and LNA4ALL. The video is in response to a question on our previous post, which discussed the prototype Outernet downconverter. The question asked what difference can we expect with the downconverter compared to just using an LNA, like the LNA4ALL.

In the video Adam shows that L-Band reception with the LNA4ALL can be as good as with the downconverter. The main problem with L-band reception on the RTL-SDR is that some units tend to fail to receive properly at around 1.5 GHz. The downconverter bypasses this problem by receiving L-band at around 200 MHz instead. Though we believe that this problem is solved on the units we sell as we heatsink to a metal enclosure, and if that is not enough, it can be solved further by using this modified driver. The other advantages of the downconverter is that it includes filtering, an LNA, and allows you to use much longer runs of lossy cable, which is useful if for instance you want to put a permanent L-band antenna on the roof.

LNA4ALL & RTL SDR @ L band

Testing a Prototype of the Outernet L-Band Downconverter

Outernet are a startup company that hope to revolutionize the way people in regions with no, poor or censored internet connectivity receive information. Their service is downlink only, and runs on C and L-band satellite signals, beaming up to date news as well as other information like books, educational videos and files daily. To receive it you will need one of their official or homemade versions of the Lighthouse or Lantern receivers (the latter of which is still to be released), or an RTL-SDR or similar SDR. Recently they began test broadcasts of their new 5 kHz 1539.8725 MHz L-band signal on Inmarsat I4F3 located at 98W (covers the Americas), and they hope to begin broadcasts in more regions soon too.

The typical RTL-SDR is known to often have poor or failing performance above 1.5 GHz (though this can be fixed to some extent), so Outernet have been working on an L-band downconverter. A downconverter works by receiving signals, and shifting them down to a lower frequency. This is advantageous because the RTL-SDR is more sensitive and does not fail at lower frequencies, and if used close to the antenna, the lower frequency allows longer runs of cheap coax cable to be used without significant signal loss.

Earlier this week we received in the mail a prototype of their downconverter. The downconverter uses a 1.750 GHz LO signal, so any signal input into it will be subtracted from this frequency. For example the STD-C frequency of 1.541450 GHz will be reduced to 1750 MHz – 1541.450 MHz = 208.55 MHz. This also means that the spectrum will appear reversed, but this can be corrected by selecting “Swap I & Q” in SDR#. The downconverter also amplifies the signal with an LNA, and has a filter to remove interfering out of band signals.

The Outernet downconverter circuit board.
The prototype Outernet downconverter circuit board.
Specsheet for the downconverter.
Specsheet for the downconverter.

We tested the downconverter using their patch antenna which they had sent to us at an earlier date (the patch antenna is used and shown in this Inmarsat STD-C reception tutorial). Our testing found that overall the downconverter works extremely well, giving us much better signal levels. Previously, we had used the patch + LNA4ALL and were able to get reception good enough to decode STD-C and AERO signals, but with the requirement that the patch be carefully pointed at the satellite for maximum signal. With the downconverter the signals come in much stronger, and accurate pointing of the patch is no longer required to get a signal strong enough to decode STD-C or AERO.

The downconverter can be powered by a bias tee connection, and this works well with our bias tee enabled RTL-SDR dongles. We also tested with the bias tee on the Airspy R2 and Mini and had no problems. It can also be powered with a direct 5V connection to a header, and they note that the header will be replaced by a USB connector in the production version.

The release date and exact price that these will be sold at is not confirmed, but we believe that it will be priced similarly to upconverters at around $50 USD or less. A good low cost downconverter should help RTL-SDR and other SDR users receive not only the Outernet signal better, but also other satellite signals such as STD-C and AERO. Although the input is filtered and the RF frequency is specified at 1525 to 1559 MHz, we had no trouble receiving signals up to GPS frequencies of 1575 MHz, and even up to Iridium signals at 1.626 GHz, though reception was much weaker up that high.

Below are some screenshots of reception. Here we used the Outernet patch antenna sitting in a windowsill with the downconverter directly after the antenna, and then 10 meters of RG6 coax cable to the PC and bias tee enabled RTL-SDR. We found that with the downconverted ~200 MHz signal the loss in the RG6 coax was negligible. Better reception could be obtained by putting the patch outdoors. In some screenshots we used Vasilli’s R820T driver with the decimation feature, which allows you to zoom into narrowband signals much more clearly.

Some AERO Signals Zoomed in with the Decimation feature in SDR#.
Some AERO Signals Zoomed in with the Decimation feature in SDR#. Received with the Outernet downconverter and patch antenna.
Some AERO and other Signals Zoomed in with the Decimation feature in SDR#.
Some AERO and other Signals Zoomed in with the Decimation feature in SDR#. Received with the Outernet downconverter and patch antenna.
Signals zoomed out.
Signals zoomed out. Received with the Outernet downconverter and patch antenna.