Nullcon 2017: Drone Hijacking And Other IoT Hacking With GNU Radio And SDR

Nullcon is a yearly security conference which was held this year during early March. Recently videos of some of the presentations have been uploaded. One presentation of interest is Arthur Garipov’s presentation on “Drone Hijacking And Other IoT Hacking With GNU Radio And SDR”. In his talk he explains how he uses software defined radios and GNU Radio to hack various IoT devices based on the nRF, and even a drone. The talk blurb reads:

Internet of things is surrounding us. Is it secure? Or does its security stand on (deemed) invisibility? SDR (Software-defined radio) and GNU Radio can answer these questions. In this presentation, we will play some modern wireless devices. They have similar protocols, and none of them encrypts its traffic.

We will show how easy it is to find them using SDR and proprietary chipsets, and how to sniff/intercept/fuzz these devices using a small python script and GNU Radio.

As an example we will show a Mousejack attack to wireless dongles, wireless keyboard keylogger and even a drone hijacking.

Speaker Bio
Senior Specialist, Network Application Security Team, Positive Technologies Artur was born in 1987. He is a graduate of the Ufa State Aviation Technical University, was a software developer at OZNA and an independent security researcher. He started his career at Positive Technologies in 2014. Now he is engaged in security research of wireless technologies, mobile systems, and IoT. He is also an organizer of the MiTM Mobile contest and hands-on lab at PHDays V and PHDays VI.

The talk slides can be downloaded from their archives.

nullcon Goa 2017 - Drone Hijacking And Other IoT Hacking With GNU Radio And SDR by Arthur Garipov

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