Receiving Video Directly from a SpaceX Falcon 9 Rocket + Scott Manley Video

Last week we posted about how several users on Reddit & Twitter worked together to receive and decode text telemetry from the SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket launch using a HackRF, 1.2m dish with custom 2232.2 MHz feed and GNU Radio. In that thread it was hinted that the text telemetry was only a small portion of data contained in the entire signal. It turns out that the remaining data is the SpaceX engineering video feed which is often shown in the official live coverage streams.

Over on Reddit user /u/TRGFelix writes how he was able to receive and decode the video with his own low cost setup involving an Airspy Mini SDR, TV MMDS downconverter and the ubiquitous low cost WiFi grid dish that we've often used for GOES satellite reception and for Hydrogen Line radio astronomy. The software used was the SatDump decoder created by /u/Aang253 which builds on the research done by @r2x0t:

So today at 10:21UTC i got my own recording of Falcon9 video feed downlink on S band 2272.5MHz and with u/Aang253's software SatDump i could easily decode it from the recording straight down to mxf, avi or mp4 video file! Even with very simple recieving setup!

Setup used for receiving was simple wifi grid mesh dish antenna (100x60cm) on a tripod with old MMDS TV downconvertor and Airspy MINI. here is a photo of the setup few minutes before launch But of course its doable without convertor with SDR such as HackRF , two SPF5189Z LNAs and same antenna or even TV dish with DIY S band feed!

Software used for recording was great performing opensource SDR++ by u/xX_WhatsTheGeek_Xx link here oftware used for decoding was u/Aang253's Satdump software which i will link later as it still needs readme written and confirm it runs without bugs! UPDATE - LINK:

Original MXF video together with CADU file and I/Q file recording 6MSPS int16 here.

TRGFelix is also on Twitter as @OK9UWU and he has posted images of his setup, and part of the video he decoded. TRGFelix notes that he is working on a tutorial which we are very eager to see!

It's extremely interesting that we can see views of the liquid oxygen floating around inside the stage two tank which is not shown during the official live streams.

As a bonus, this story was also covered by the very popular space YouTuber Scott Manley who has put out a great video popularizing the discovery and touching on a few interesting points such as how SpaceX may be legally required to encrypt these videos in the future (but hopefully not!).

How Amateur Radio Fans Decoded SpaceX's Telemetry & Engineering Video

CENOS Antenna Design and Simulation Software Looking for Testers

Back in March 2020 we posted about CENOS, a company creating a new antenna modelling and simulation design package. Back then they were offering applications to beta test the software for free. CENOS has now reached V1.0 status, and they are now wanting to enroll another 300 testers. The benefit to the testers is that they will receive a 90% lifetime discount on the software, and testers who provide lots of active feedback will be granted free licenses.

CENOS Antenna Design version 1.0 will be available for closed testing starting from March 17, 2021.

During the free 14-day testing trial, users are expected to share their feedback about the software and usability, thus making an impact on further software development. 

In reward, they will get a generous discount or lifetime-free-licenses (for best contribution), once the software is available for public use (we expect to launch it shortly after rigorous testing completes).

More details will be announced on March 17!
Sign up here:
Software benefits
​CENOS is fast-to-learn and easy-to-use specialized antenna design simulation software for budget-sensitive customers.

CENOS integrates FreeCAD geometry editor to handle geometry of any complexity, provides built-in utilities for handy design of microstrip antennas and arrays, feed networks, wire antennas (including import of NEC files), and arbitrary 3D structures. FreeCAD also allows to import CAD files from external editors like Autodesk Inventor or similar.

CENOS ensures automatic meshing, as well as allows building manual mesh of any detalization level in the specially designed FreeCAD workspace.

For antenna calculation, the current software version utilizes FEM solver to provide accurate simulation for geometries of any complexity, including multi-port, high Q and other cases. Already now, CENOS R&D is pointing to combining the FEM solver with MoM and FDTD methods to provide a unique, optimized (fast and accurate) solution for any particular case.

CENOS provides very powerful visualization capabilities that includes full visualization of fields and graphs powered by Paraview, spreadsheet for data like S11, VSWR, reflection coefficient, etc, and pdf report.

That all makes CENOS a good alternative to well-known general purpose software like HFSS, CST, FEKO and Comsol for budget-sensitive customers looking for specialized antenna design simulation software.
Software functionality
• One-stop software: from CAD geometry to full visualization of results and analysis
• Desktop (on-premises) installation for Windows 7-10
• CENOS leverages open-source tools to ensure full stack of CAD/CAE software: FreeCAD, GetDP, ParaView
• User experience optimized for RF antenna design
• Supports the use of CAD geometry files prepared by any design program (.step or .iges formats)
• Pre-defined templates for basic antenna geometries
• Full-stack geometry editor powered by FreeCAD
• Material database, possibility to add and save custom materials

Simulation capabilities
• Wide range of antennas, antenna arrays, geometries of any complexity, inhomogeneous structure
• Finite element method (FEM) solver optimized for high frequencies
• Lumped port type, multiple ports (feeds) with phase shifts
• Frequency diapason (wide, multiband) 
• Ports: S11, VSWR, power, reflection coefficient, impedance, reactance, and resistance
• Fairfield pattern: directivity (gain), radiation intensity
• Antenna: Electric field, magnetic field, vector plots 
• Frequency-dependent dielectric constant and loss tangent
… all you need for antenna design in an easy-to-use way, because this is the software specialized on RF antenna design with full spectrum of necessary functionality. And we are constantly working to add more value.
Hardware requirements
You don’t need a supercomputer to run antenna design simulations with CENOS. Intel i5 or i7 (or similar) are good enough. The faster processor you have, the faster calculation will go.

We recommend to have at least 16Gb RAM to calculate 3D cases, 32Gb is better. Actually, the more RAM you have, the bigger (more complex) 3D geometries you can simulate. Some of our customers use 128 Gb machines and that’s like for rocket-science-cases. MS Windows OS.
CENOS Antenna Simulation

Frugal Radio: Monitoring VHF Airband Aviation Frequencies at the Airport

Rob from Frugal Radio has recently uploaded the next video in his airband monitoring series. In this video Rob explains various airband communications that can be received from the airport, and explains about needing to be in the line of sight of an airport in order to receive them.

He goes on to explain signals and airport radio communications channels such as ATIS, Clearance Delivery, Tower, Arrivals (Approach), Departures, Radar and Terminal communications. The video provides various examples of these communications being received with an SDRplay software defined radio.

Monitoring VHF Airband Aviation Frequencies at the Airport

GNU Radio Amateur Radio Meeting: A Look at Project 25 (P25) Digital Radio

Over on their YouTube channel GNU Radio have uploaded a recent talk by Aaron Rossetto titled "A Look at Project 25 (P25) Digital Radio". The talk explains the North American public safety P25 system in great depth, and is a good watch for anyone looking into details on how the system works in a deeply technical way. He later shows some examples of his P25 decoding and recording setup. Slides can be found here, and the video is posted below.

Agenda: In this presentation, I will introduce Project 25 digital radio, with a strong emphasis on its use in North American public safety trunked radio systems, and to describe experiments monitoring and decoding P25 traffic using GNU Radio code.

  • What is Project 25?
  • A brief introduction to trunked radio
  • Diving into the P25 protocol
    • Modulation
    • Packet framing and encapsulation
    • Packet types
  • GNU Radio and P25 decoding experiments
Amateur Radio Meetup: P25 Trunked Radio

Receiving Shortwave Radiograms with an RTL-SDR and MultiPSK

Shortwave Radiogram's are digital broadcasts of images, text and sometimes HTML files that are regularly broadcast on two shortwave radio stations, WRMI in Florida and WINB in Pennsylvania. The transmissions are produced and presented by Dr. Kim Andrew Elliott, and a schedule can be found on the Shortwave Radiogram website.

Over on his blog Jeremy Clark has been experimenting with receiving shortwave radiograms with an RTL-SDR and upconverter. To do this he notes the transmission schedule on the shortwave radiogram website, and uses SDR# and MultiPSK in MFSK mode to receive and decode the data. Jeremy's post explains the MFSK transmission mode and shows a few examples of radiograms that he's received including a video posted below showing live reception and decoding.

RTL-SDR for Shortwave Radiogram

Receiving SpaceX Falcon 9 Telemetry with a HackRF and 1.2m Satellite Dish

Over on the Reddit /r/SpaceXLounge discussion board user /u/Xerbot has made an interesting post showing how u/derekcz was able to receive the telemetry signals from the latest SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket launch using a HackRF and a 1.2m prime focus dish with homebuilt feed designed for the 2232.5 MHz downlink frequency. Then after demodulating the signal with GNU Radio, /u/Xerbot was able to convert that signal into binary data, and then into plain text strings. 

Another user /u/Origin_of_Mind then figured out that these strings are debug messages being sent by the software-defined GPS receiver, which amongst other data contains the GPS coordinates of the second stage. The GPS data indicates that the second stage was tracking over the north of Serbia at an altitude of 219 km and velocity of 7483m/s. /u/derekcz was able to then confirm that he was indeed recording the signal when the satellite would have been crossing Serbia, confirming the received telemetry was correct.

The entire thread is an interesting read, with multiple users dissecting the plaintext and finding out information about the launch. /u/Origin_of_Mind's post in particular explains the meaning of each of the data fields, which includes the system time, the XYZ coordinates in the earth-centered earth-fixed (ECEF) coordinate system, the loss of precision due to unfavorable GPS satellite positions and the number of GPS satellites currently received.

Another user /u/softwaresaur even notes that there was an "radiation_fdir_activation_guard" event. FDIR stands for Fault Detection, Isolation and Recovery (FDIR) and this event was triggered due to 0.06 s mission time discrepancy between the rocket and GPS true time.

SpaceX Falcon 9 Telemetry Downlink Decoded

Controlling a Wireless Ceiling Fan with an RTL-SDR and RPiTX on a Raspberry Pi

Over on YouTube River's Educational Channel has uploaded a new video showing how he uses a Raspberry Pi to control a ceiling fan via it's wireless control signal. Back in January we posted about River's first video where he shows him using and RTL-SDR and Universal Radio Hacker (URH) to reverse engineer the control signal.

In this new video River uses the RPiTX software to generate the control signal without requiring any additional transmit hardware. He first explains how RPiTX can generate an arbitrary signal from a square wave and talks a bit about the harmonics this creates. To reduce harmonics he adds a simple low pass filter to the GPIO output.

Next to control the fan he uses the "sendook" program that is included with RPiTX to transmit the binary control string that he reverse engineered in his original video. Finally he creates a simple web server so that he can control his ceiling fans via his phone and integrate it into his smart home.

Abusing Raspberry Pi GPIO pins as a radio transmitter to control my ceiling fan

Adding an RTL-SDR Antenna Port to a Pinetab Linux Tablet

The Pinetab is a US$99.99 open source Ubuntu Linux Tablet based on a low power Pine64 singe board computer. The Pinetab can optionally support an internal RTL-SDR, which is essentially just a standard RTL-SDR PCB connected to the single board computer inside the tablet enclosure.

Over on YouTube channel Privacy & Tech Tips has uploaded a video where he takes the Pinetab apart and adds an external antenna port, allowing for external antennas to be connected. In the video we get a good look at the internals of the Pinetab, and after installing the external antenna port he shows us the Pinetab receiving a LoRa signal.

Opening Pinetab (Linux Tablet) back cover (+show tips for safer opening) on video and show how you can add an external threaded antenna port for your internal SDR. It makes for an amazingly compact SDR kit and smaller antennas like LoRa fit right inside the keyboard/tablet/laptop stand. Larger antennas such as a dipole, the antenna cord fits along the case/stand perfectly.

I show how to open the Pinetab safely, and install an external threaded antenna port. After this I take a Heltec LoRa ESP32 I have had laying around and use it to demo GQRX on the screen. I show LoRa packets coming over the radio waves at 915MHz. Series on SDR using Pinetab/Pinephone/Pine64 hardware. Linux makes for an amazing platform where the tools at hand leave the limits to what you can do to the power of your imagination.

Opening Pinetab + Add SDR Modification!