Tagged: matchstiq

New Software Defined Radio “Matchstiq” by Epiq Solutions Announced

A new high-end small form factor software defined radio (SDR) transceiver called the Matchstiq has been announced by engineering firm Epiq Solutions. Pricing starts at a costly $4500 USD, as it seems to be aimed more at the professional market. It’s key features are

  • Single RF transceiver covering 300 MHz to 3.8 GHz
  • Supports RF channel bandwidths up to 28 MHz
  • Integrated CPU/FPGA for signal processing applications
  • Integrated GPS receiver with 1PPS
  • Run time loadable/executable software applications
  • Full suite of specialty applications available
  • SDK available for custom application development uSD provides up to 32 GB of onboard data and application storage
  • USB interface to host for system access
  • Size: 2.2” x 4.6” x 0.9” Power: <3 W (typical)
  • Optional external battery pack

It also has the ability to wirelessly interface with and Android host

With this and the BladeRF and HackRF, 2013 is looking like a good year for SDR.
